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Showing posts from November, 2023

2.EDU 01-Knowledge and curriculum philosophical &sociological perspective

Semester --1 EDU 01-Knowledge and curriculum philosophical &sociological perspective 1. Which is the oldest philosophical school? Idealism 2. The agency of education which has no rules and regulation? Informal education 3. Who emphasized that education should be a social process? Dewey 4. Who is the father of sociology? Auguste comte 5.which is the native philosophy of america? Pragmatism 6.who is the founder of diactic apparatus for teacher? Maria montessori 7.The word education was derived from the latin word? Educare 8.Democracy and education is written by John dewey 9.Experimental school was founded in the year 1896 10.Education according to dewey? Learning by doing 11.The etymological meaning of philosophy Love of Wisdom 12.The concept of respecting all religion is termed as Secularism 13.Who is defined as democracy as a government of the people and for the people and by the people? Abhraham lincon 14.Basic Education is the contribution of Gandhiji 15.The process of studying o

1.Schools of psychology

Schools of psychology 1. Structuralism --Wilhelm woundt 2. Functionalism --William James 3. Behaviourism --J. B Watson 4. Psycho Analysis --Sigmund Freud 5. Gestalt Psychology -Max wertheimer Intelligence Theory 1.  2 factor theory -Spearman 2. SI Model (Structural intelligence )--Guilford 3. Multifactor theory --Thorndike 4.Group factor theory -Thurstone 5. Multiple Intelligence (MI)-Gardner 6. Hierarchy of learning -Gagne 7. Hierarchy of needs (Self actualization theory)--Maslow 8. Schema -piget 9. LAD --Noam chomsky Language acquisition device 10. Developmental task -Havighurst 11. Information overload --B. M gross Alvin Toffler (popularized) Intelligence 1. Mental Age (M. A)--Alfred binet 2. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)-William Stern 3. Emotional Quotient (E. Q) --Bar on 4. Spiritual Quotient -Danah zohar 5. Emotional intelligence -Daniel golman 6. Brain storming -Osborn 7. Synetics --Gorolon 8. Dyslexia --Rudolf Berlin 9. Introversion &Extraversion --Carl jung Eysenck(Popularize